Source code for misc_utils.decorators

"""Decoration Utilities."""
import time
from .misc_utils import to_string, get_time_str, color_print, preview
import warnings

[docs]def timer(show_args=True, logger=None): """Decorate a function to log how log the function took to execute. Args: logger: logger to write to, print if None. Example: >>> from misc_utils import timer >>> >>> @get_timer(logger) >>> def test(a, **kwargs): >>> for i in range(a): >>> time.sleep(1) >>> >>> test(3, b=2, c=3) >>> # [INFO] 2020-01-01 15:30:00 Call ttt(3, b=2, c=3), time: 3s. """ def decorator(fn): def measure_time(*args, **kwargs): start = time.time() result = fn(*args, **kwargs) elapsed_time = time.time() - start if show_args: args_str = to_string(args, last_comma=True) if len(args) and len(kwargs) else to_string(args) args_str += to_string(kwargs) if '\n' in args_str or len(args_str) > 20: # 参数过长 args_str = 'args too long' info = 'Called %s(%s), elapsed time: %.5f(s).' % (fn.__name__, args_str , elapsed_time) if logger is not None: else: print('[INFO] %s ' % get_time_str() + f'Called {fn.__name__}(') color_print('args:', 2) preview(args, 1) color_print('keyword args:', 2) preview(kwargs, 1) print(f') elapsed time: {elapsed_time:.5f}(s).') return result else: args_str = '' info = 'Called %s(%s), elapsed time: %.5f(s).' % (fn.__name__, args_str , elapsed_time) if logger is not None: else: print('[INFO] %s ' % get_time_str() + info) return result return measure_time return decorator
[docs]def deprecated(info=''): """Decorate a deprecated function. Args: info: info to show. Example: >>> from misc_utils import deprecated >>> >>> @deprecated('old_func() is deprecated now, use new_func() instead.') >>> def old_func(): >>> pass >>> >>> old_func() >>> # DeprecationWarning: old_func() is deprecated now, use new_func() instead. """ def decorator(fn): def deprecation_info(*args, **kwargs): warnings.warn(info, DeprecationWarning) color_print('DeprecationWarning: ' + info, 1) result = fn(*args, **kwargs) return result return deprecation_info return decorator